Escorting is a service where men and women pay for the company of someone who may take them to see a movie, eat at a restaurant or even just hang out. It is not illegal in most first world countries and can be very discreet as long as no sex is involved. It is important to know that there are many different types of escorts, some who are independent and others who work for agencies. This article will teach you how to find independent escorts in your area.
ways to find escorts on social media
Some escorts choose to advertise their services on classified sites, such as Backpage. This type of advertising is not usually favored because it has been associated with pimping, underage prostitution and human trafficking. But it can be a way to get clients quickly and start making money. Source
Another option is to join an agency, which takes a bit longer but can be very lucrative. Agencies can offer vetting services, marketing and a reputation that will help you to get ahead in the industry. However, it does mean that you will have to share the commissions with the agency.
If you are ready to make some extra cash as an escort, it is important to set yourself up for success. You can start by investing in a classic wardrobe and setting up professional photos. You can then create an elegant website that is branded to your business. A sleek, sophisticated site will help to set you apart from the competition and draw in more clients.